About Choice First
Hey, nice to meet you!

I'm Iona, and I'm the founder of Choice First Dog Training.
I'm a total dog welfare dork with years of experience working with and caring for dogs in a variety of settings - from dog sitting, dog walking and dog training, to managing a London Doggy Daycare!
I grew up with dogs (as most dog trainers have!) and have always been amazed at their motivation to seek connection with us humans no matter what. I feel I owe a lot of my mental health to the dogs in my life.
In 2019 I graduated with a 1st in Psychology at university, and went on to work with children in a therapy-based school in London. I was lucky enough to supervise and help facilitate Dog Therapy sessions there, where groups of children got to hang out with a gentle but exuberant French Bulldog once a week! I got to chat with the dog's owner about the training and how they came to do the valuable work they do. Most significantly, I was also astounded by the change I saw in the kids' behaviour during these sessions; their vulnerability and calmness - as well as their ability to identify and express their feelings, which was something they otherwise struggled with - was incredible. And this cemented my idea of pursuing a career working with dogs, or more specifically, education and training that fosters the canine-human bond.

After completing my Level 3 Dog Behaviour and Training qualification in 2020, doing a lot of self-directed study and gaining lots of practical experience as a dog trainer, I'm currently being assessed by The Victoria Stilwell Academy (VSA) to receive my Dog Trainer accreditation.
I'm also a proud member of The Dog Trainer School (DTS). As a member, I adhere to the guidelines of the Professional Standard and work with kindness, care and empathy to all.

I'm committed to providing modern, humane and effective dog training, and using methods that are completely free of fear and force, and backed by the latest science in canine behaviour and psychology.
My real passion comes not only supporting dogs, but from supporting people's wellbeing, too. I empower dog owners so they can have a greater understanding of their dogs and a stronger relationship, while feeling supported - not judged or shamed.