Putting Choice First
What has choice got to do with dog training?

We all value choice in our lives - autonomy and freedom to make our own decisions, to choose what we do, who we see, where we go, what we eat and when we sleep. A lot of our dogs don't have the same choices we do.
Choice is one of the core building blocks of a dog's wellbeing.
Choice gives dogs that all-important sense of autonomy and agency which is vital for their welfare. Choice enables dogs to be curious, to actually enjoy learning, and to be confident problem-solvers.
By putting Choice First, we can empower our dogs to lead a more fulfilled life.
The science: a significant body of research has shown that choice improves a dog's learning, memory, confidence, behavioural health and wellbeing. When dogs aren't forced or coerced - when they're given choice and options - dogs thrive! On the flip side, when choice is taken away, this can lead to frustration, anxiety, aggression and learned helplessness.
By allowing our dogs to make mistakes, to choose to say "no, I'm not comfortable with this", to choose to have space from people or other dogs, to consent in what we want to do with them, to sniff(!), to investigate and explore at their pace, and to express themselves by providing safe outlets for natural behaviour, we can foster a really strong, secure and lasting relationship with our canine companions.